For you to enjoy
Here we have an image from the livres d'artiste by Chagall called Daphnis and Chloe. One of the 20th century's most outstanding works. This work took 24 lithographic stones to produce and was very tightly controlled by Chagall. There are another 58 colour lithographs in this truly monumental work.
How it began
Over a period of time the idea of an exhibition on livres d’artiste had been swirling around my mind. I approached Tony , Assistant Director, INNOVA with this idea and supported it with some well prepared research stating
1. there has been no livres d’artiste exhibition in Australia since the Brisbane Art Gallery exhibition 1992
2. such exhibitions have been increasing in popularity in Europe and the USA in recent years
3. it is time to have such an exhibition in Australia
4. the exhibition would comprise the best livres d’artiste produced post WW2 by the European Modern Masters
5. the focus would be a limited number of works chosen from Matisse, Miro, Chagall, Leger and Picasso
At Tony’s request I made a written submission and after further discussions he agreed.
Hi Rodney,
ReplyDeleteI am sure that I saw an exhibition at the National Gallery in Canberra of livres d’artiste.
It wasn't the main exhibition but one in one of the side galleries. I remember because it was really gorgeous exhibition, however I alas cannot remember any of the artists specifically that were included. I am pretty sure it did include some big name artists. Sorry I can't give you a name of the exhibition or a date from when it was on but it was certainly in the last 7 years or so. It may be worth finding out for your research.
The last major livres d'artiste exhibition at the NGA was in 1991 titled "Manet to Matisse: French Illustrated Books. It was a landmark exhibition. I am not aware of other exhibitions since - although this does not mean there was not one. I will be meeting some of the key curators of the NGA this Wednesday to discuss the options of such an exhibiton agaig - I will check with them. But I do agree that these are great works.
ReplyDeleteI still have a box of silk screen printed gift cards of Matises Jazz series that I bought at MOMA in the 80's. and a knitted cardigan by Linda Jackson with one of the jazz series images on the back (this was cool in the 80's!). I am loving the images Rodney, and so I really hope this exhibition gets up as these artists and works still excite and inspire me.
ReplyDeleteMore images please!