Chagall’s Daphnis and Chloe is a unique artistic rendition of this charming and classic ancient Greek fable of two young lovers growing up, facing many trials and tribulations, and finally marrying. Chagall set a new standard in colour lithography, working closely with master printer Sorlier, to produce an exquisite, colourful and complex series of 42 illustrations. He used as many as 25 colours with as many lithographic stones to produce each print, taking some 1000 print impressions for each copy of the livre d'artiste. Although Chagall’s prints illustrate this charming fable it sits independently next to Longus text, separate from the flow of the story. The picture illustrates the story as the story explains the image.
A good example of the direct illustration is the image L’Arondelle illustrating Chloe being awakened from her sleep by a swallow that swe
pt into her face and brushed it with its wing, Here Chagall depicts the glistening heat and glittering brightness in the Mediterranean landscape by the use of vivid colour. In another depiction, Le Printemps Chagall uses a luminescence blue to depict the animals emerging from the darkness. Although Chagall’s prints illustrate this charming fable it sits independently next to Longus text, separate from the flow of the story. The picture illustrates the story as the story explains the image.
A good example of the direct illustration is the image L’Arondelle illustrating Chloe being awakened from her sleep by a swallow that swe

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