This is an image from Miro's

- but I felt not to Miro's normal standard. For example see the image from his A Toute Epreuve which I think is a truly a classic piece. Any way just enjoy the image. Seems like i need to do a bit more thinking.
Checking the works for the exhibition
I reconsidered the works I proposed in my original submission to Tony Bond. I was comfortable with the selection of Matisse – Jazz and Leger – Cirque. These were clearly amongst the best Livre d’Artistes produced and certainly the best works produced by these two artists. However I felt that Miro – Ubu Roi was neither Miro’s best work nor did it rank among the leading Livre d’Artistes produced. Although I liked the work I felt that the images were childish, as they were probably meant to be, and unrepresentative of his great abstract graphics. There were better works. Also unfortunately the Chagall – Four Tales from Arabian Nights was a bound volume. My concept of the exhibition was for the loose pages of the book to be lifted out, framed and displayed in its entirety. They were not to be displayed as books would normally be, as the viewer would not get a full appreciation of the richness of the works. The Matisse and Miro are loose books, i.e. they are not bound into the spine and covers. I also needed to further research on the appropriate Picasso Book
I can understand completely wanting to frame the individual pages - to draw closer attention to the works, but do you think that compromises the understanding of what the work is and part of? A book creates such wonderful narratives and is experiential, by framing these loose pages are they loosing the context and the beauty that they were produced in?